Tag: apex
Trigger to Post Automated Random Chatter Comment
Apex Trigger to post an automated random comment whenever a chatter post is published. When any user posts to chatter and if the user’s post contains the term “Success”, an automated comment should be posted. This comment should be randomly selected from a list of comments; And should be posted as a specific user.
Trigger to create task when Opportunity is updated – Salesforce Apex Triggers
Salesforce Apex Trigger to create a Task when an Opportunity is updated. The task should be assigned to the Opportunity owner and the status of the task should be “In Progress”. – Salesforce Apex Trigger Examples
Write Your First Hello World Salesforce Apex Trigger – Triggers for Beginners
Let’s write our first “Hello World” Salesforce Apex trigger which will update a Lead with “Hello” as the first name and World” as the last name. The “Hello World” program is the simplest program used to illustrate the basic syntax of a programming language. The program outputs “Hello World” and is traditionally the first program…